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Saving energy is a great way to help save money and the environment.
Saving energy is a great way to help save money and the environment. We all use energy to power our lives – from taking a hot shower in the morning to charging our mobile phones in the evening. Do you want to save energy but are not sure where to start? Here are some of our top tips to help you save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.
Turning your thermostat down by as little as one degree can help you reduce your energy bill, and the amount of carbon dioxide produced. This is an easy saving, and you won't be able to feel the temperature difference. If you want to take things a bit further, you can lower the temperature even more and layer-up with some jumpers and woolly socks.
Turn off lights in the day – open your curtains or blinds first thing in the morning and make the most of the natural daylight. This can help to reduce your energy consumption. During the winter months, it can be tempting to switch on a light during the day. If you do need to switch the light on, switch to an LED energy saver, these bulbs can help reduce your energy bill and your home’s carbon impact. Don’t forget, if you leave a room then get into the habit of switching the lights off!
If you can, try not to start your washing machine or dishwasher if it’s only half full. Starting a wash with a half-empty load makes these appliances less energy efficient, if you can wait until you have enough for a full load, you’ll be saving water and energy. Also avoid using tumble dryers when you can – this is one of the most expensive appliances to use in your home.
A good energy-saving habit is to turn off unused appliances at the socket when not in use. Did you know unplugging laptop and phone chargers while we’re not using them can have an impact on bills and usage? Even if it’s not connected to your phone or laptop, a charger can still use energy, so it’s always a good idea to unplug them or switch them off at the mains.
Did you know many of our appliances such as TVs consume up to 90% of their normal energy in standby mode? Buying energy-saving plugs or standby savers cut the power to your appliances by recognising when they have entered standby mode or with the flick of a remote control. This can help you save energy and money!
Having a quicker shower reduces the amount of energy and water you use. Aim to take shorter showers each day and it will help you reduce your energy bills and water usage.
A well-maintained boiler will heat your home efficiently and result in less chances of your boiler breaking down. Please make sure your boiler is regularly serviced – we will write to you each year to carry out a gas service on your boiler, if you have overdue service please contact us. When we come to do a gas service, we can also offer advice on boiler settings to help you reduce energy waste.