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Customer Wellbeing

Debt Advice

If you are struggling with debt, please contact Citizen’s advice or StepChage.

If you are struggling with debt, please contact Citizen’s advice or StepChage.

Citizen’s advice

Please call the national phoneline on 0800 144 8848 or visit www.citizensadvice.org.uk


The support they offer is free, impartial and confidential and every person receives expert, personalised advice to help them deal with their debts. The service provided is available online or over the phone. If you would like to get some advice, please visit their website at www.stepchange.org, or call them 0113 138 1111, their lines are open 8am to 8pm from Monday to Friday, and 8am to 4pm on Saturday.

Financial Support

Get help with essential costs

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Debt Advice

If you are struggling with debt, please contact Citizen’s advice or StepChage.

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Your Welfare

Help for problems with gambling

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Energy Advice

If you are struggling to pay your energy bills

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Saving Energy

Saving energy is a great way to help save money and the environment.

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Help with Damp and Mold

With colder weather, the possibility of damp and mould forming in your home increases.

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